Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Golden Week (1): Camping

At the end of April and the beginning of May there's a period when five Japanese public holidays fall in the space of seven days, and the entire nation goes on holiday. Well, almost the entire nation - in previous years Kentaro has always been on duty at least part of the time (being a junior doctor, he gets the short straw when it comes to holiday cover). This year, though, his seniority has started to kick in and he only had to cover one night, so we were able to go away for a couple of days.

Everywhere books up early during Golden Week, and because Kentaro was only told his schedule the week before we hadn't been able to make reservations anywhere. So we just put the tent in the back of the car and headed over to camp by Lake Biwa for a night, where Kentaro's parents joined us for an evening barbecue on the beach.

Dan had great fun bashing in tent pegs with gusto, but Kei was more interested in catching frogs.

1 comment:

coarse gold girl said...

Who's taking the pictures? Loved the one of Kei holding the frog and the one of Dan "bashing" in the tent peg! MUCH better shots than I get. All the digital camera has done for me is allow me to delete all the hopeless photos I've taken (which leaves me with. . . no photos.)