Tuesday, May 22, 2007

When life (hopefully) gives you lemons...

After a barren year last year, our little lemon tree has been flowering like mad this spring. Sadly only a few flowers have set to fruit, but there are now three tiny lemons growing against the south wall of the house. I'm watching them tenderly, watering and feeding the tree with love, in hopes that one day in summer we'll be able to go out and pick the warm fruit straight from the branch. (Yes, I'm definitely planning to make lemonade!)

Here are a couple of other flower photos, too. We don't have a garden, but like every home in the neighborhood we grow flowers and shrubs in planters around the house.


coarse gold girl said...

I'm remembering the . . . what was it? nasu? peaman? kyuri? theives back in your old neighborhood in Osaka. Do the lemons have "security"?

Your flowers look lovely. My weeds are doing well.


Claire said...

Hi Laura,

It was cucumbers and red peppers that got taken; and no, I haven't installed a security system for the lemons yet. I still have the net and bells I bought after the vegetables got snaffled, so if the lemons actually start to ripen I might just rig something up!

The flowers do look nice this year, thanks - but then I didn't photograph the weeds around their roots, or the dying Christmas tree...


Gabi Greve said...

Dear Claire, I can not reach Isabelle, her email account seems full and my mail just bounced back.

Anyway, sunday is fine with us!
We will walk along the tanada rice terraces, so come in walking shoes!
I hope we have such nice weather as today!

Greetings from Okayama
. Happy Haiku Gallery .