Monday, March 24, 2008

Funny sort of Easter

For the first time in my life, Easter basically didn't happen to our family this year. We spent it moving Kentaro's stuff to his new hospital, four hours up the expressway. Easter came much earlier than usual in any case, and my usual source of Cadbury's chocolate eggs, the FBC Britshop, closed down last year because of the strong pound (sniff). Seventeen years away from the UK have finally accustomed me to Good Friday being a normal working day, but until last year I'd always been to church on Easter Sunday. This year, we were camping out in sleeping bags in Kentaro's new house on the hospital grounds, doing without a bath as the gas wasn't connected, and rushing to go shopping at the nearest big home center before returning the rented van to the rental company by lunchtime and driving back down to Osaka in our own car.

I did manage to make hot cross buns. I feel a bit proud of myself for that; sneaking a tiny taste of British Easter into the rush and stress of getting a van, a car, two kids, appliances (many kindly given us for free by friends who were leaving the country), furniture, books, futons, and miscellaneous stuff loaded up and driven to Tokai. I slipped the ingredients into the bread machine after coming back from collecting a free washing machine, shaped the dough in a couple of minutes snatched while loading up the van, and got them into the oven 20 minutes before we were due to leave. They were baked and thrown in a paper bag about two minutes before we ran out of the door to pick up Kei from Saturday school on the way to the expressway. As I drove our car with the kids behind Kentaro in the van, their aroma tantalized us for the entire journey. Early Sunday morning I dug the toaster and coffee maker out of the depths of the van, and offered my Japanese family an Easter breakfast.

Dan didn't like them, and demanded ordinary bread instead. Oh well.

There were times during the weekend when I thought we must have been crazy trying to do this with the kids in tow. It certainly would have been easier to have left them with my parents-in-law and gone up with just the two of us - shopping at the home center without the boys having ear-splitting Pokemon battles up and down the aisles would have been a lot less stressful, for one thing. But I am glad we went up there as a family. Now when Kentaro leaves next weekend at least the boys will have an image of where he's living, and we've left our sleeping bags for when we go up to visit.


Anonymous said...

So it is all accomplished is it? I cannot believe you managed to make hot cross buns during all that! I think I would have just hit Mac for a muffin!!

You are incredible!

The Britshop is a big loss isn't it but it would be shock to the pocket a the moment!

So when are we doing hanami now you are footloose and fancy free:)?

Vicky said...

Eep! You are doing tanshin funin as well?

We have just started our second stint, though this time it's only two and a half hours drive away as opposed to the nearly five last time. It is still hard and I still hate it!

Actually I am posting from hub's apartment as this is our second trip up here - no van for us. We are doing car loads each weekend to keep it cheap!